How to earn money using Google plus?

I am astonished at the way new income opportunities are coming up these days. About a year ago, online money making avenues got dried up. I mean, there was nothing new. The same old affiliate money making and PTC sites kept staring at me through blog posts and PPC ads.

Now, social media cash is sweeping the Internet and every veteran Internet entrepreneur is making a big killing. Big money is being garnered up by them using social media.

First, Twitter money opened up the doors to innovative business ideas. Then Facebook fanpage widened up the money avenues further. Iframe made a big difference in the appearance of Facebook fanpages.

Now, the mighty Google split the online business crowd and started attracting them to its own social network "Google Plus". Big fishes dived in straightaway and thrived. Slowly, they started sharing their ideas on how to make money using Google Plus.
Blog posts on the hot money making topic started appearing. E-books too were launched on how to earn money through Google Plus.

I would like your experiences on Google Plus as your hot Internet business platform. May be my good friends John Chow and Darren Rowse would be the first to share their experiences.