10 Expert Tips to Increase Twitter Followers

Today Twitter is considered one of the most powerful internet marketing tools. If your ultimate goal is to increase your web presence/boosting your online sales, then you just can not ignore Twitter. And to be powerful influential in twitter you have to have lots of twitter followers. So if you are one of those serious one, trying everything only to increase twitter followers; then you are at right place. You will get 10 latest and effective tips to increase your twitter followers within a flash.

Tips 1: Clearly mention your intention of using twitter at Bio. Give your likings, workings etc in a detail manner so that any twitter user easily understands your goal.

Tips 2: Give your followers some service so that they remain your follower. Keeping your follower is a big deal in twitter.

Tips 3: Follow people who are with same domain as you. It will effectively grow your twitter follower to great number.

Tips 4: Following people from other field will not help your cause. So don’t do that if your goal is to grow twitter follower.

Tips 5: Tweet often to be in recent tweet list. This step is important to improve twitter visibility which will ultimately improve your follower number.

Tips 6: Follow people who follow you. It will build the trust among your twitter follower.

Tips 7: Give interesting news and links in your tweet. Your follower will love it to receive these appealing links.

Tips 8: Keep a close watch on the recent trends on twitter. If the drift matches with your domain then tweet on the trends. It is one of the most effective ways to increase twitter followers.

Tips 9: Efficiently manage your current twitter follower. Some follower may not be stable. There is no point following those people who not follow back you.

Tips 10: Lastly tweet with quality content and link. This will establish a brand of yours in twitter. If you can provide unique and useful information your "twitter followers" is bound to increase.

To get more tips and tricks about Twitter, SEO, Money etc Follow me.

4 ways to attract follower on Twitter

1. Get listed How is it that some people have two million followers, and you have only two? Well, they are probably famous (sorry) and wound up on Twitter's "suggested user" list. The list encourages new users to follow the likes of Ashton Kutcher (3.9 million followers) and JetBlue (1.4 million). Faced with charges of favoritism, Twitter now allows anyone to create a list -- say, business owners in Cleveland -- which makes it easier for the hoi polloi to get noticed.

2. Follow others Don't underestimate the power of vanity. When you follow people, they get an e-mail alert with a link to your Twitter page. Some, pleased with this development, will follow you back. But use caution: If you follow too many people, you will look like a self-promoter, and they will be less likely to reciprocate.

3. Talk to people Twitter replies are public, which means that when you engage others in conversation, people will see you for the thought-provoking person you are. How to do this gracefully? Look for users with common interests and then send them a message. And if someone tries to talk to you, talk back.

4. Retweet Can't figure out what to say? The lazy approach is to simply repeat -- rather, retweet -- interesting messages. Find one, copy the message, and send it to your followers with a reference to the original author. (Do this by typing RT and then the @ symbol followed directly by the person's username.) The author will often pay you back with a reply. And your retweet might just get retweeted -- which is confusing, but good.

5 way to make money on twitter

What, in 140 characters or fewer, is Twitter?

Well, it's a money-losing website made up of very short messages (like this one) where your kids (and C-list celebrities) waste time.

It's also a popular new medium—tens of millions of users and counting—that businesses use to build brands (and sometimes destroy them).

All this you know. Or you should. But Twitter isn't just about buzz: Some companies have figured out how to use it for old-fashioned things.

Like, you know, making money. Here are five strategies. Click on each of the bubbles, below, to learn more about them. And Please Retweet.

Great ways to Get Links Pointing to your Site

You can get links to your sites and get higher rankings with the search engines there are several things that you can do.

1. Write articles = this is time consuming, but is effective you write many articles and in the author resource box have the links back to your site. These articles are usually picked up from other sites and the author box is still in tact and your article is doing double duty. One of the best places to do this is ezine articles. These articles are picked up from other sites and you get great exposure to your sites. All your links are in place and will point back to your site.

2. Use Xombia to write little blurbs about your site. You get the links back to your site PLUS you get Adsense revenue for yourself. While this site doesn't pay you 100% of the profits, you will get profits from adsense as well as getting the links. These little blurs have to be at least 50 words, which is about 1 paragraph, just a brief description of your site and the link.

3. She Told Me website : This site is again writing little blurbs and you get 100% of adsense for each page that you write. If you refer people you make money off their adsense also. They also will pay for Chitka sites because they have links on the sites. She Told Me is a great way to make money while promoting your links. The Thing that I like most about She Told Me is that they give a screen shot of your website on each little blurb that you write. When you click on the title, it take the person right to your page.

4. Hubpages - Another great site to get back links and make money for yourself. Make EBay, Amazon and Adsense profits while gtting the links to your sites. You will have to write articles but unlike Ezine articles which don't pay you money this site will.

5. Squidoo - Make money again from many different resources. Even Clickbank. They won't pay you per click on Adsense or ebay but will instead send you a check when you reach payout.

Use these sites to get the backlinks and make money. You no longer are stuck writing longer articles to get the backlinks for no money. Promote your sites and earn while you do that.

How to earn money using Google plus?

I am astonished at the way new income opportunities are coming up these days. About a year ago, online money making avenues got dried up. I mean, there was nothing new. The same old affiliate money making and PTC sites kept staring at me through blog posts and PPC ads.

Now, social media cash is sweeping the Internet and every veteran Internet entrepreneur is making a big killing. Big money is being garnered up by them using social media.

First, Twitter money opened up the doors to innovative business ideas. Then Facebook fanpage widened up the money avenues further. Iframe made a big difference in the appearance of Facebook fanpages.

Now, the mighty Google split the online business crowd and started attracting them to its own social network "Google Plus". Big fishes dived in straightaway and thrived. Slowly, they started sharing their ideas on how to make money using Google Plus.
Blog posts on the hot money making topic started appearing. E-books too were launched on how to earn money through Google Plus.

I would like your experiences on Google Plus as your hot Internet business platform. May be my good friends John Chow and Darren Rowse would be the first to share their experiences.

Earn Money From Facebook

There's a relatively new Facebook application called 'Cash Cliques' and it takes less than 5 minutes per day to make some cash. For every ad you click on, you get paid.

As well as that, you get paid when friends you referred click on ads!

If you're lucky enough there are also random cash prizes to win.

In the Facebook Cash Clique application there is a potential revenue calculator.

For example, if you click on 10 ads per day and refer 30 people during the first month and they click on 10 ads per day, then the revenue calculator will tell you that you should earn 93 USD after the first month.

So simply, more friends, means more money!

For more information and give it a try yourself visit,

After you have familiarized yourself with Facebooks CashCliques application, in my next post we can go onto the next social networking site.

Indian Railway

Indian Railway is a departmental undertaking of Government of India, which owns and operates most of India's rail transport. It is overseen by the Ministry of Railways of the Government of India.

Indian Railways has 114,500 kilometres (71,147 mi) of total track over a route of 65,000 kilometres (40,389 mi) and 7,500 stations. It has the world's fourth largest railway network after those of the United States, Russia and China. The railways traverse the length and breadth of the country and carry over 30 million passengers and 2.8 million tons of freight daily. It is the world's second largest commercial or utility employer, with more than 1.36 million employees As for rolling stock, IR owns over 240,000 (freight) wagons, 60,000 coaches and 9,000 locomotives.]

Railways were first introduced to India in 1853. By 1947, the year of India's independence, there were forty-two rail systems. In 1951 the systems were nationalised as one unit, becoming one of the largest networks in the world. IR operates both long distance and suburban rail systems on a multi-gauge network of broad, metre and narrow gauges. It also owns locomotive and coach production facilities.

Following are the sites of Indian Railway
Barack Obama Joins Social Network Google Plus
As 2011 comes to end, the Internet and social media role in politics is constantly increasing. Google had tried to attract politicians’ attention to Plus, but had no success. But it hasn’t repeated its mistakes and has achieved some progress over the last month.

Google’s published a guide to Google+ for politicians to help them on their way. With the addition of the president’s campaign this morning, I think it’s quite likely that today will be a tipping point for Google Plus adoption in the political space.

There are still plenty of talks about the number of people really using Google+ and whether it can ever overtake Facebook.

Over past months a great number of celebrities and important people have been joining Google+ including Aston Kutcher, Shahrukh Khan, Paris Hilton, Will.I.am and many others. One more famous user joined the site on Wednesday: the USA President Barack Obama.

Obama’s Google+ profile has already gotten a “verified account� tick mark (so it’s definitely President Obama’s Google+ official page) and has been launched on Wednesday morning. Actually, it is not run by the President himself, but by his reelection campaign and the profile’s posts makes no attempt to hide.

It’s not surprising that it took quite a long time for Obama to join the network, because Google has only recently released its Pages product, which allows brands and public features be present on the network without tying it to their own personal Google account.

Well, Obama’s presence on Google+ is an important sign of approval for the just created social network. In fact, Mr Obama is the most advanced President when it comes to technology.

Obama’s activity on Twitter and Facebook had stood him in good stead when he was a U.S. Senator running for the highest office in the land.

His social media presence is often said to have boosted his first presidential campaign, helping to recruit an army of young campaign workers and small donors. In June the President held a Town Hall with Twitter, and another one at Facebook in April.

Obama’s campaign page has 24 million followers on Facebook. As for Twitter, the campaign page got about 11 million followers. On Google Plus, the number is not counted yet. But about 4,500 people have given +1′d the page.

However, Obama’s registration may also indicate just how far Google+ has to go. His first post was one the most historic thing to happen on Google+ since its inception. It could be even bigger than the ‘Desmond Tutu and Dalai Lama Hangout’ that took place a few weeks ago.

More than 12 hours later it had boasted just 110 shares. (To compare, more popular stories on Facebook this week has been shared more than 3,000 times in a day.)

“Welcome to the Obama 2012 Google+ page,� was written in the first Presidential post. “We’re still kicking the tires and figuring this out, so let us know what you’d like to see here and your ideas for how we can use this space to help you stay connected to the campaign.�

Since the account was confirmed, Obama’s campaign has sent two moreposts Wednesday — the first one to speak the President’s tax credits for unemployed veterans, and the second one aimed to push a campaign contest where winners get to share dinner with Obama. It has also posted nine photos, and no videos

JaxtrSMS: A free sms thing

Jaxtr, set up by Hotmail co-founder Sabeer Bhatia and Yogesh Patel, today announced the launch of JaxtrSMS, an open texting application which allows users to send free SMSes across the world.
"JaxtrSMS is completely unique in terms that a mobile user can send a text SMS to any mobile phone in the world without requiring the receiver to have the JaxtrSMS application installed on their phone," the company said in a statement.
This 'open' facet of JaxtrSMS distinguishes it from other free mobile messaging applications where messages can only be sent within a closed network to people who also have the same app installed, the company claimed.
Jaxtr Inc CEO and Co-Founder Sabeer Bhatia said, "Now, mobile users can leverage our free and open application to send messages to their contacts anywhere across the world without having to pay anything.
Why tablets are considered more advantageous than netbooks

2011 has been dubbed "The Year of the Tablet", and rightly so because so many of these ultra-compact computing devices have been launched this year. A tablet PC was considered unviable as a computing device a few years ago, but tablets today pack in a lot of firepower to be able to handle almost any normal computing task. Here is a list of the reasons why tablets can potentially replace netbooks in the near future.

1) Ultra-portability
While netbooks have been termed ultra-portable, tablets are even more so, thanks to their structure as a single slate, rather than a hinged design like a netbook. Tablets are usually much lighter than netbooks, and their size lets you take them anywhere. Even their chargers are more portable, making it easier to carry the whole thing anywhere.

2) Price
Tablets have come a long way from being too expensive to dirt-cheap, with high end exceptions such as the iPad 2 and the Galaxy Tab. Low end tablets start at around Rs 7000, and pack in a decent performance for daily computing tasks. Netbooks, on the other hand, rarely breach the Rs 12,000 mark, and most are priced above Rs 15,000.

3) Versatility
Most tablets come with Google Android operating system, which gives them access to a huge repository of apps from the Android Market, many of them being free. These apps allow the tablet to do just about anything, thanks to the creativity of the app developers. The above also applies for other tablet OSes such as iOS and BlackBerry OS. This versatility is not so easy to achieve for a netbook.

4) Battery Life
The battery life of a tablet is simply incomparable to that of the netbook. A tablet can easily last for more than half a day on a single charge, while a netbook struggles to make it past four or five hours of normal usage. The better battery life lets you take it anywhere without having to worry much about losing charge in the middle of your work.

5) Internet Connectivity Options
While Wi-Fi is the standard connectivity options on all tablets, they often come with 3G connectivity options using a mobile SIM card. Wi-Fi hotspots are hard to find in India, making 3G connectivity more feasible to stay connected no matter where you take the device. This is a major advantage of tablets over netbooks, which come with only Wi-Fi option.

6) User Interface
Being touch-screen devices, the user interface of tablets is usually refined, intuitive, and user friendly. Not only is the operating system designed to allow for efficient interaction with the user, but also the applications sport a user friendly interface. For those who miss a QWERTY keyboard of the netbook, there are inexpensive keyboards available, which can work with any tablet.

7) Virus-free
Ever heard of viruses attacking tablets? Tablets have so far remain insulated from such attacks. Although it cannot be said that it will remain so forever, it is considerably safe as of now to work on a tablet than on a netbook with Windows, which has always been a prime target of viruses.

That is not all. While this may not really be related to computing, the GPS unit built in many tablets helps use it as an inexpensive navigational tool when it is not being used as a tablet. Netbooks may have been in vogue a couple of years ago, but tablets seem to be set to rule the future.