Earn Rupees upto 3000 per day
Work only 10-15 minutes daily (Rs 200/month Guaranteed)
1st Time in India
I am not joking, you are reading right. Here is a opportunity to earn up to Rs 3000 per day with Dubai based Indian Ad company absolutely FREE of cost. No sales, No purchase, only you have to work 10-15 minutes on your computer daily. Just do the following:
  • Sign up for free.
  • Verify your Email and update your profile.
  • View 5-7 ads daily + Read daily 2 positive news+ play quiz.
  • Rs 200 ($4) per month guaranteed but you need to active 20 days in a month.
  • Also, Earn Rs 50 ($1) per signup but he should be active 15 days in a month.
To earn Rs 3000 daily, refer only 3 friends, near and dears. Your friends will refer 3 their friends and this will continue up to 8 level. When your down line view the ads you will earn gift points and gift points will convert into cash.
When you earn Rs 1200/= ($24) redeem your earnings. Company will send you a cheque at your mailing address or deposit in your back account.
To know more click here