
GOLDbiz$ is both a PTC and PTR site.

Site Features and Statistics

  • Currently, the site has over 4,000 members

  • The site averages 4-6 emails a day ($5-10 each).

  • The site averages 1-3 PTC ads per day ($2 each).

  • Low minimum payout, at only $2999 for a free member. This could be earned in as few as 2 months without referrals

Advantages of a Paid Membership

There are several notable advantages to a paid membership. These inlcued:

  • Free Referrals (approximately 50 a month)

  • $10 PTR rate, instead of the $5 rate for free members.

  • 25% Discount on all advertising purchases you make.

  • $5 earned for each referral you bring to the site

  • Higher earning rate from your downline.

  • Lower Minimum Payout

  • Offers a 30 day Satisfaction Guarantee

Without referrals, it is possible to reach the $500 minimum payout each week. Much more can be obtained through active referrals.