Publisher application

Follow the rules and regulations described below in step by step to become a Member in CJ.COM

(Read full page carefully minimum 2 or 3 times & follow)

This link will take you directly to an information verification and Sign-Up page.

Once verify your information, we'll review your Application and e-mail you after we check your details for affiliate eligibility.

Publisher Application Sign-Up page will appear. You are called as a Publisher or Affiliate.

PUBLISHER APPLICATION: Step 1 of 2 Page will appear.

  1. Select Language as “ENGLISH” next select your Country “ INDIA” (in our case) and next select Function currency “USD” if you are registering from India.
  2. Click on "NEXT" (You fill the * Marked fields only) A warning pop up window should appear. Simply Click “CLOSE” on that window.
  3. Check the “Service Agreement” and “Privacy Policy” and “Age”
    Tick in the 3 check boxes.
  4. Next it asks for “WEBSITE” or “NEWS LETTER” name. We assume that at this point of time you are not having a website of your own. Enter any name in this field for e-News letter. You could write something like Example: “Your Name” or “Income on Net” or “Top 100 Stores on the internet” or “Online Shopping” or “CJ income” etc... You got the idea? Simply write a name, which signifies the name of the Promotional Campaign you will be carrying.
  5. Next it asks for “WEBSITE URL”. (Not required for newsletters)Write your website name if you have one. As you don’t have one, leave that field blank. Delete the http:// written over the box field.
  6. Leave the box empty to “DESCRIBE YOUR WEBSITE” field as blank.
  7. Next it asks for “WEBSITE CATEGORY”. (Main topic of your Web site or News letter) Select any one, which you feel is appropriate. You will have to select any one to complete your registration. Example: “Business to Business” or “Business to Marketing” or any one.
  8. Next it asks for “PROMOTIONAL METHODS”. You can Select (Tick) “Search Engine Marketing” and “e-mail Marketing” for the time being.
  9. Next field asks “Does your Website offer Incentives” As you don’t have a Website at this point of time simply Click on “No”.
  10. Leave empty the “Description of your Incentive/Special Program” field as blank.
  11. Next, it asks “Contact Information” and “Company Information”. These are general fields to Fill. Write your name and address and all. Here Organization Name means Your Cheque Name. Write it carefully.
  12. Leave “Tax ID” and “ Tax Classification” as blank, if you reside in India.
  13. In the Payment Information” Select “Check” (Cheque). Check the “Payee’s Name”. You will receive Cheque on this name only.
  14. Next it will ask you to “Please enter the Characters into the box below”. This security Norm now a day is followed by almost all companies, to prevent from Auto Form submission spam. Enter the Characters carefully.
  15. Click on “Accept Terms” and you are done. Immediately CJ will send you an e-mail regarding online account login information immediately. If not found in your “Inbox” check for the same in your “Junk” or “Bulk” mail folder.

If your account accepted, you'll then be able to log in to your online account with the e-mail address and password sent by COMMISSION JUNCTION.

You will get your “Password” & “Account Number” to your e-mail and a “W8-BEN tax form”. This tax form is not necessary to fill up and sends to Commission Junction. Allow your account into reach at least $25 first. You can later write us an e-mail:

Click on the Link: