Earn upto Rs. 9,000 pm checking Emails. Join now!

Click here to Register Now & Earn Rs. 99 instantly!

About PaisaLive: is a unique advertising platform that brings together the Advertisers and Members. Members are paid each time they check the advertiser's promotion and advertisers are able to send their message to the masses at a very low cost!

You need to login to your PaisaLive Account daily. For each unique login in 24 hours, we credit your account with a login incentive. Once you login, in your Inbox, you will receive promotions from our advertisers, based on your profile.

What is
1. PaisaLive allows you to earn money when you check advertiser's promotion. You watch ads in your Email Website, Social Network, Newspapers, Television, but none of them pays you to check the advertisements. On the other hand, PaisaLive pays you to check our reputed advertiser's promotions.

2. PaisaLive also pays you when you login to your account daily. We send you Fresh Promotions everyday which you can check.

3. Other than that, PaisaLive also pays you when you refer your friends to join this website and be a part of this unique revolution.

What PaisaLive is NOT:
1. PaisaLive is NOT a Get-Rich-Quick kind of website. You will not become rich overnight. Initially your earnings may be slow, but it will catch up very soon and you should be able to make regular income every month.

2. PaisaLive is NOT an MLM (Multi Level Marketing). You don't need to sell anything to earn from

3. You don't need to pay any fees to join Its absolutely FREE to join. In fact, we and our advertisers pay you to check their promotions.

How much can I earn from
You will earn instantly Rs. 99 just for joining
You will earn Rs. 0.25 to Rs. 5.00 for checking each promotion. The amount you earn depends on your Activity Score and the type of promotion.
More the number of promotions you participate in, higher your payout.
You earn login incentive for just logging into this website once every 24 hours.
You earn Rs. 2 for each friend you refer to

How & when I receive my payment?
They currently send Payment via Cheque. Payments are issued by the 15th of every month. For example, if you request your payment withdrawal anytime this month, your cheque will be issued by 15th of next month. Detailed FAQs are available in the Help Section once you register and login

Click here to Register Now & Earn Rs. 99 instantly!

Earn cash daily while reading Health Tips & Improving your Health Just 5 minutes a day

Join the Reach2Rewards Program and earn up to Rs.1000

Clinnovo Earn Cash & Products.

Clinnovo Earn Cash & Products is an user benefiting concept to encourage health awareness and improve people's health.You need to login your account everyday and read Health Tips sent by our speciality medical team and earn cash & products. You need to login daily to read Health Tips, we won't alert you through email to your email accounts. Read below for efficient usage of this program to earn cash and improving your health.

1. Special Login Incentive.
2. Get Rs. 125 for registering instantly.
3. Refer a friend & get Rs. 2 to Rs. 25 cash.
4. Upto Rs. 5 by reading a Health Tip.
5. Redeem Cash & Products Online.
6. One Rupee a Day for a login to your account daily.
7. After crossing Rs. 300 or 300 points you will be rewarded free products to your home.
8. Scholarship scheme for your higher studies, who earns more than Rs. 1000 or 1000 points will be rewarded a Rs. 25000 scholarship.(Only For Students, credentials will be verified)
9. Regular activity & Exculisive Packages brings you products and thousands of rupees.

Payment will be done through Cheque, Electronic Banking, Paypal, Sodexo for every 20 days.


Minute Workers

Minute Workers

Minute Workers is giving a unique opportunity to users by allowing them to generate REAL money and even sustain a continuous income. It is not a scam or greedy scheme, check it out in the forums there are 100's of payment proofs which workers have posted.

To earn money you have to complete simple jobs online which are created by employers, they are short jobs which take minutes. These tasks will pay a minimum of $0.10 per task and the maximum payment is unlimited. You pick which jobs you want to complete, we have 100's to choose from every week which are updated every 4 hours.

Once you have earned a minimum of $2.00 from completing tasks you have the ability to withdraw your money through paypal. This low payout means everyone can get money fast.


Minute Workers gives employers the power to gain a large workforce in seconds, this workforce can be used to complete simple tasks online which benefit the employer, some examples may be to get 100 workers to:

-Sign up under a referral link
-Click an advert or multiple adverts
-Write an article for a website
-Download a file

The possibiltiies go as far as the imagination, you are the employer - you create the job needs and rules. If you need a mass number of workers to complete an activity this is the service you need. This is why we are the best tool for affiliate marketers or site owners.
